Outsourcing Bookkeeping Services Online

BlueWave Accounting firm provides businesses with the most highly skilled accounting & finance services. Our bookkeepers can work with you in a way that suits you best to make the entire outsourcing process an incredibly pleasant experience. Our services and discipline continue to assist clients with a healthy balance sheet and a piece of mind.

Outsourcing Option 1: FTP Server Bookkeeping Outsourcing


You Send us the
Source Docs
You Scan the Documents & upload to our secure server OR fax them to our toll-free fax Number @ 5 PM


We update your books
Our bookkeeper updates your books the same night. We ask you to provide us with a copy of your books and work on the software of your choice including QuickBooks, Peachtree, Quicken, MYOB, Creative Solutions, etc


We give you the
Updated Books
We put the updated books on our 128-bit encrypted secure server. You come to office the next morning and download the updated books from our server to your computer!

Outsourcing Option 2: Remote Login Bookkeeping Outsourcing


You Send us the
Source Docs
You Scan the Documents & upload to our server OR fax them to our toll-free fax Number @ 5 PM


We Connect to Your Computer
via internet securely
Our bookkeeper connects to your computer using a remote desktop access service like GoToMyPC.com or Secure VPN


We Update the Books
and logout
You come to office the next morning and find the books updated on your computer!

Outsourcing Option 3: Online Bookkeeping Outsourcing


You Send us the
Source Docs
You Scan the Documents & upload to our server OR fax them to our toll-free fax Number @ 5 PM


We Use the Online Accounting Software
Our bookkeeper logs in to Online Accounting Software (e.g. quickbooksonline.com) and updates the books


We Update the Books
and logout
You log in to the online accounting software via internet whenever you need – 24×7 – and see the updated books

Have difficulty understanding the outsourced bookkeeping process? Call us now Toll-free at 1-408-755-2329 and we will walk you through the various process options.

Outsourcing Bookkeeping – Process Options Comparison

BlueWave Accounting supports THE widest range of process options available for outsourced bookkeeping to suit your convenience. Outsource bookkeeping process options include Remote Access Based, Hosted Software Based, Server Based and Online Options.



FTP Server

Remote Login

Hosted Software

Online Software

Data Location

Our Data Center

Your computer

Managed Server

Accounting Software Provider

Data Security





by You

Download Data File from Server

On your own computer

Connect to Server over the Internet

Data cannot be Downloaded –
View Online

Data Access
by Us

Login to FTP Server

By Logging in
to your PC

to Server

Login to Accounting Software Provider

Software Functionality Available





Hardware Required





Ease of Use





Data Backup





Min. Transactions
Per Hour





Ideal For

Low Volume Accounting

Anyone with
Computer + Software

Mobile Users

Mobile Users

by Us


We Recommend


Have difficulty in understanding the outsourced bookkeeping process? Call us now at 1-800-609-4095 and we will walk you through the various process options. Outsource bookkeeping now to focus on your core business!

Communication: Integral to Outsourcing

Effective and honest is one of the building blocks of business communication that is central to the success of an outsourced project. It increases productivity, strengthens interpersonal relationships, enhances satisfaction, and reduces cost.
All our clients work halfway across the globe. They operate in time zones that are vastly different from ours and engage in models that could be different. Having been around for over 16 years, we fully understand the complexities of such an engagement.
That is why we have taken deliberate steps to ensure that communication channels are constantly open and every member on the project is apprised of progress.
The worldwide web is clock full of free and affordable communication tools, some of them are listed below for your convenience:


VOIP: Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is the latest technology that allows you to make calls using a broadband internet connection instead of a regular phone line. Real-time conferencing and conversation is an integral part of our communication strategy. that\’s why we are available for chats and calls on internet messengers or several US phone lines that ring at our office.


Email: Behind every accounting email address is a process. It’s the way you exchange invoices and payment information as well as resolve inquiries, disputes and reconciliation. We believe that emails are a great way to be clear on goals and expectations. Often, we recap conversations and decisions via email, so we have a mutual understanding of what needs to be achieved.


Online Conference and Collaboration Tools: For projects that require customer walkthroughs, we use tools like Google meet, GoToMeeting, and Zoom an online conferencing software. So that we can connect to our clients and team directly.


Instant Messaging Tools: We use several IM tools such as Skype, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, AOL, MSN Messenger etc.


Project Management Tools: Our online project management tool allows you to remain up to date on your work. This increases the amount of control you exercise on your progress.

Outsourcing Bookkeeping- Data Security: Our #1 Priority

Data security is a top-of-the-mind concern for businesses outsourcing their accounting services. As outsourcing professionals, we understand the significance that data security holds for you. That\’s why our accounting outsourcing team uses only the best of encrypted technology to make sure there are no breaches of your private information.

It’s a brave new world when it comes to technology-driven processes. BlueWave Accounting has maximized its strategies that promise business efficiency and enhance profitability. You can easily be outsourced to our professional Accounting Firm, we can assure you the confidentiality of information and security of critical data so that you can focus on core business concerns.
Among several things that we do includes signing Non-Disclosure Agreements with every bookkeeper that we have in our outsourcing facility, using 128-bit encrypted servers for storing accounting data and having a paper-less office where bookkeepers work on dual monitor computers. Also, the access to our outsourcing facility is physically restricted to only authorized bookkeepers & accountants using biometric scanners.